Contacts » Health/Medication Procedures

Health/Medication Procedures

Debbie Norris, Health Technician, [email protected], 858-674-4707
District Nurse for Highland Ranch Elementary: Ann Smits,  858-521-2811


STUDENT HEALTH: Highland Ranch has a Health Attendant to take care of first aid and emergencies. In case of student illness at school, the Health Attendant will notify parents or the emergency contact.
No registered nursing services are provided at the school on a daily basis.
(see illness guidelines PDF)
MEDICATION: Students who are required to take any medication during school hours may be assisted by school personnel if the school receives a Medication Authorization form filled out by the physician and the parent detailing the instructions for administering the medication.  This form may be picked up at the school office. For safety reasons, only adults may bring medication to school.  Please do not send it to school with your child. 
Sunscreen, cough drops, lip balm and Vaseline, etc, must have a note from the parent on file and will also be monitored by the school personnel.

Medication Procedures Outlined

According to California State law, prescription and non-prescription medications are permitted to be taken at school only with a written statement from the physician AND a written statement from the parent or guardian. The Health Office has a form available titled “Authorization for Medication Administration”. 
Written information that must be provided is:
  • Student’s name
  • The name of the medication
  • Physician’s instructions detailing the date(s), method,
  • amount and time medication is to be given
  • Parent/guardian and Physician signature
This information is required for all medications including “over-the-counter” Tylenol, ibuprofen, cold/allergy medicines, etc. All medications MUST be labeled with the student’s name and above information, in the original Rx or OTC container.
Please contact  Health Technician, with any questions or concerns. (858) 674-4707 ext.4203